Elderberry Syrup

Someone recently posted about elderberry’s amazing ability to fight the flu on social media and it has gone viral (pun intended).
Just a little bit about elderberries and the plant they come from - elder. It’s been around forever, used by native tribes and chronicled by Hippocrates. Recently, elder was chosen as the Herb of the Year for 2013 by the International Herb Association.
Elder belongs to the genus Sambucus, is a deciduous plant native to Europe that now grows wild in many areas in North America.
The flowers and berries of the elder plant are commonly used in cosmetics, jams, jellies, beverages and much more.
Only ripe berries should be consumed and after being cooked. Another species of elder, S. racemose is toxic and should be avoided.
Known as being a great immune system supporter, many people rely on elderberry syrup to get them through the cold and flu season. Here is a simple recipe.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
In a saucepan with lid, place 1 cup of dried elderberries and 3 cups of water. If desired stir in 3 tablespoons of any combination of: powdered ginger, cinnamon, or cloves Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, partially covered. Stirring occasionally, simmer until liquid is reduced by half. Remove from heat, let cool and pour through strainer, discarding berries. Stir in ½ cup of honey. Pour into a jar with lid and store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Take this simple syrup by the soothing spoonful, stir it into hot tea, sweeten cocktails, pour over pancakes and waffles, or make candy lozenges.
The information contained herein has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention.
Need the ingredients? Click the link below. Just add the water and honey.